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15 Interesting Ways to Improve Your Child’s Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Words

It is hard to underline the value of vocabulary words. A child who has a strong vocabulary excels intellectually as well as socially. Their confidence might soar and their chances of having a fantastic career can enhance if they are fluent in language.

However, no child can become a writer overnight. It calls for children to practice learning new vocabulary words on a daily basis, read books and hone their creative writing abilities.

While it is a full-time job, there are many inventive ways to make teaching English to children enjoyable.

The top 15 fun ways to increase your child's vocabulary words are as follows:

1. Develop a Love of Reading Together

Reading books to your children is an excellent approach to expand their vocabulary words since the more they read, the more new terms they are exposed to. Making reading a habit is crucial. Read tales with them while explaining the meaning of each new word they come across.

2. Create Original Post-It Notes

Do you have post-it notes? Ask your child to label household items with you for pleasure, such as a chair, refrigerator, television, etc. You can label some things and then have your child read the labels.

Start describing the item with adjectives, like "wooden chair," to expand their vocabulary.

3. Engage in Word Games

How can I broaden my vocabulary words and have fun? Word games are the solution!

I Spy, Scrabble, Word Search, Hangman, and Pictionary are just a few of the many word games you may play with youngsters to help them expand their vocabulary. Your youngster will like the whole process and look forward to it each time because it is participatory.

4. Assist Them With Sentence-Level Word Use

Teaching your child to use a new term in a spoken or written phrase after you introduce it to them will really help them expand their vocabulary. They will learn how to utilize the word in various circumstances as a result.

Make the weekly spelling assignment into a sentence-building exercise that requires a bit more thought from your child.

5. Use scrapbooks to add colour.

Children are always thrilled by vibrant stationery. With each new word kids learn, you may create a page in a scrapbook with them. Draw a picture or write the definition of the word in the scrapbook. You can also discover the term in a magazine or an old newspaper. They will retain what they learn better as a result.

6. Play the "Word Of The Day" game.

For children, learning new words can become tedious and repetitious. So why not introduce them to the idea of a "word of the day"? By doing this, you can be sure that your youngster will pick up a new word each day. You (and your family) can take turns working with your child to come up with the word of the day, comprehend its meaning, and utilize it in a sentence using a dictionary, word-a-day calendar, website, or app.

7. Help them become familiar with a dictionary

Introduce dictionaries to your child and show them how to use them. Ask them to look up the definition of any new words they encounter in the dictionary. Don't forget to express interest and joy when they independently determine the definition of a new word from a dictionary.

writing skills

8. Please Communicate in English!

The practice of English speaking with children helps them expand their vocabulary words. Use open-ended questions to ask them about their day and to share your own. The more they make an attempt to express their ideas and emotions, the more self-assured they will become about their language abilities. Thus, teaching children English can effectively aid in increasing their vocabulary.

9. Help them Use Words in Various Situations

Teach your youngster how to put new words in various contexts if you want them to stick in their minds.

For instance, the word chosen is "elated." You may tell your child how happy you were when they were born and then challenge them to try using it in a sentence, like how happy they were when their football team won!

10. Search for Word Origins

When prefixes and suffixes are added to root words, they become the building blocks of new words, expanding one's vocabulary. For instance, the term "egotist" combines the suffix "-ist" with the core word "ego." In order to help your youngster remember the meaning of the term "receptionist," use additional words with the suffix -ist.

Fun fact: Between birth and the second grade, children typically learn 5,200 root words.

11. Describe the idea of synonyms.

Another fantastic technique for youngsters to learn new words is by using synonyms. They are different terms that have the same meaning as "joy" and "pleasure," for example.

Use a thesaurus or Google to find synonyms for different words or even to assist with word definitions. Synonyms are frequently helpful in creative writing since they assist avoid overusing one word.

12. Encourage them to submit stories

If your child enjoys listening to stories, they probably will as well. Writing stories will help students develop their vocabulary words as well as their grammar and spelling. It will inspire their imagination and creativity, which is excellent for stimulating their brain.

13. Practice reciting rhymes

One of the best exercises for expanding vocabulary is rhyme recitation. Children benefit from learning new words, and the rhyme scheme aids with word retention.

If you want to help your child learn new words while they sing along, choose some amusing rhymes or play them on your computer.

14. Discuss previous events with them.

Talking with your children about prior experiences might help them recall a pleasant, thrilling, or emotional occasion. Encourage them to narrate these occurrences in English by asking them open-ended questions.

You'll be astonished to see how engaging in a straightforward discussion may both strengthen your relationship with the child and help them expand their vocabulary words.


15. It's Drama Time!

Just as when playing Dumb Charades, act out a word and ask your child to guess what it is. This might even develop into an enjoyable family gaming night!

Select phrases that lend themselves well to facial expressions or hand gestures. To boost up the excitement, add a timer and a point system to this activity.

Language development and picking up new words shouldn't feel like a work. Use the above games and activities to help your child learn new words in a fun way, and before long you'll be pleased to see them produce excellent essays and speak English more fluently!




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