Here are all the English grammar excercises on this website
Non-countable nouns, also known as mass nouns or uncountable nouns, are nouns that cannot be easily quantified or counted individually. They typically refer to substances, ideas, or qualities that are viewed as continuous or unmeasurable. These nouns cannot be pluralized or used with "a" or "an" because they lack specific quantities. Instead, to indicate an indefinite or specific amount, we use quantifying expressions like "some," "a lot of," "a little," or "much."
Examples of non-countable nouns:
Air: You cannot say "an air" or "two airs" because air is a continuous substance that cannot be divided into separate units.
Courage: Courage is an abstract quality that cannot be counted or measured. You wouldn't say "a courage" or "five courages." Instead, you can say "some courage," "a great deal of courage," or "a remarkable display of courage."
Homework: Homework is an assignment that cannot be quantified as individual pieces. You cannot say "a homework" or "three homeworks." Instead, you can say "some homework," "a lot of homework," or "a challenging task of homework."
The "Quantifier Selection Exercise" aims to improve your understanding of quantifiers for uncountable nouns. By selecting the correct quantifier from dropdown menus for each statement, you can practice using quantifiers accurately. The exercise provides immediate feedback on your answers and calculates a score to help you track your progress.